The Migrant Shelter Transfigured Us
Usually in the story of the Transfiguration, we focus on Jesus, on what happens to him. Something mysterious and special happens—he is changed in appearance, and his clothes became dazzlingly white. But what about Peter, John, and James, who walked with him up the mountain. Were they not also changed? They decided to walk up the mountain with Jesus, but weren’t they different when they walked down? Could we not say that they, too, were transfigured? Wasn’t something awakened in their hearts?
In a similar way, having a migrant shelter in our own Salon Tepeyac this past year and a half has had an effect on us. We never set out to start a shelter, but in September and October of 2023, when migrants were knocking at our door, we chose to answer. Upon opening Salon Tepeyac to migrants, parishioners quickly brought in blankets from their homes and meals from their kitchens. In a way, we decided to walk up the mountain with Jesus along with Peter, John, and James. We felt an invitation. And it has changed us.
Given the change of presidential administration and the closing down of the border, the stream of migrants seeking shelter has dried up. We have therefore made the decision to suspend the shelter until further notice. We have now moved into a kind of discernment mode, where we will carefully and prayerfully determine how we might next use our resources to serve migrants and immigrant people. Our commitment is unchanged—we stand with immigrants. That is our history as a parish, it is who we are. But a migrant shelter is not needed. We must adapt.
Let us give thanks for the ways that having the migrant shelter transfigured us. It was beautiful to receive first migrant men and then migrant families. Their presence enriched us. When we heard their stories in conversations or their testimonies at masses, we know that something inside them became dazzlingly alive. At the same time, something deep in our hearts was also awakened. We saw in them our own stories as immigrant peoples. It felt good to help them. As we walk down this particular mountain, we cannot doubt that we have been changed. We come down the mountain in a new way, knowing more deeply who Jesus is, and who we are in relation to him. We have been transfigured. Thanks be to God.