How Will We Use Our Power?
As we begin Lent, we find ourselves once again in the desert with Jesus. We watch as he decides how he will use his power. He is tempted three times, first to do a magic trick to satisfy his hunger, then to gather glory to himself, and then show off how close his relationship with God the Father is. In all three instances, the devil is trying to tempt Jesus to use his power for himself. But at every turn, Jesus resists the temptation to serve himself, to glorify himself, to show off. He never does anything to assuage his ego, or to make himself bigger than he was. He always chooses the path of humility and service.
And later in Lent, during Palm Sunday and Good Friday, we will see Jesus give his power over to others. He stands up to Pilate in a significant way, saying in John’s gospel, “You have no power over me if it had not been given up to you.” He is dignified, and he stands up for himself. Yet he ultimately does not use power from above to escape his death. He does this for a greater good of service, to somehow mysteriously bring about salvation for all.
The question we must answer is, how will we use our power? You might think you do not have any power at all. But we all do have power. In our relationships, we have power. We can choose words to build up people in our families or tear them down. We can decide to be generous with our kindness, or we can withhold our kindness. My 15-year-old nieces have power over me, their uncle, simply by being in a good mood or not, which then quickly affects my mood!
As individuals we have power, but we also have power as a community of people. When we join our voices together and speak up for ourselves, we have power. That was the common experience of people at the diocesan prayer service and procession, “The Church Stands with Immigrants” on February 9. Even though harsh orders are being handed down, when we joined together, we no longer felt alone. It made us feel stronger, more powerful. We did not use that power for individual gain, but for the good of the community. I pray this Lent you will use your power generously for the good of the community.