Gospel Values, Rooted in Mercy, Are Still Ours
Never in my life has the arrival of a president affected my life as significantly as the inauguration of the current president. Since January 20, a great number of people I love and value now live in fear of deportation. This breaks my heart, it weighs on me day and night, it enters my prayer every morning, and at times it causes me to cry. “America First” is the logo of this administration. History will determine if putting our interests over the interests of other countries, particularly in the ways we are doing it, is in fact good for us or for anyone. I do not pretend to be able to see around the bend into the future.
I can say that putting ourselves first over the needs and interests of others has no place in the gospels or value system of Jesus. And this weekend’s gospel is particularly strong in this regard, challenging us to act in ways that can feel truly counter-cultural. “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” Did he really just say that? What does that mean for me in my life? Who are the people who are hating me? Who are mistreating me or the people I care for? I have to love them? Jesus then doubles down: “Love your enemies and be good to them, and lend expecting nothing back.” And the kicker, “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.”
As hard as this reading is for me right now, to love and forgive those who are causing people I love such fear and harm, I also rejoice in these words. Because this is Jesus being Jesus, the Son of God, beholden to no one, holding out for the values of his Father’s Kingdom, even if it is hard for us to hear. My friends, these are our values. While leaders, politicians, elected officials may try and convince us to put ourselves first, Jesus will always be Jesus, will always ask us to put others first, will always ask us to act and speak in mercy. Because at the heart of it all, that is who he is, that is who our Father is: merciful with us. As he is with us, so must we be with others. No exceptions.