Jesus’ Inauguration Speech
This past week saw the inauguration of the 47th president of this country. It is likely that you who are reading this have strong feelings about the new president, either positive or negative. I have often said, and I continue to say that US Christians should not be too comfortable in either the Democratic or the Republican party today, as neither one of them has a platform that we, as followers of Christ, can fully embrace. Instead, we look to today’s readings for the platform that Jesus puts forth.
In the First Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians, we hear that we all need one another in the same way that a body needs all its parts. “The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I do not need you,’ nor again the head to the feet, ‘I do not need you.’” In the same way, we really cannot say to another individual, “You are less important or less valuable than him or her,” or, “You do not matter because you do not have papers.” No, we all have infinite value and worth. We are all Sons and Daughters of God. Period. Nothing, and no one can take that away from us. And just as eyes, arms, legs all belong to one body, so also we all belong to one another. One body.
The gospel today is like Jesus’ inaugural address. He is just beginning his public ministry, and he returns to his hometown of Nazareth. He outlines his priorities, the way a new president might. This is the platform of Jesus: to bring glad tidings to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives, recovery of sight to the blind. To let the oppressed go free. His heart is on the poor, the least, people in a state of being we can all relate to at some point of our lives. We are invited to have our hearts focused on the poor, the least.
This weekend we begin Catholic Schools Week. It is my hope and desire that the students of Catholic Schools and especially of Our Lady’s School will believe in the deepest place in their hearts that they are infinitely good, that they are God’s Sons and Daughters. That they have a worth that no one can take from them. That they belong to one another. And to God. And that they will always share their talents in service of those with less. Amen.